My Hero's

Leah Orr has made two darling children's books, where one of the main characters has CF. She has a gorgeous little daughter that has CF so this is a very personal heart felt mission she is on.
She's personally taken on this achievement and works on it night and day. She donates ALL of the proceeds for the sales of her books to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and currently has be able to donate over $250,000 towards helping them find a cure.
Please support her efforts, and share about her with your friends and family.

This is the amazing Patrick Henry Hughes, born blind yet sees more than most people ever could.
He's been featured on Oprha, Ellen, and Extreme Home Makeover: he is kind, humble and incredibly talented. We are all anxiously awaiting the new release of their new inspirational book.

Young and vivacious Bethany Hamilton, has grown up before our eyes. We first introduced to her a few years ago, when she had her arm bitten off by a shark while she was surfing.
Now about ready to graduate, Bethany travels the world surfing, speaking and showing her film, Heart of a Soul Surfer. She works constantly with her ministry, and as she shares with youth, and people of all ages are drawn to her message about Christ, and what He's done and is still doing in her heart and life.

This is my sweet friend Natalie's son, brave and darling 3 yr old Matthew.

This wonderful man David,with cf, is 32 and not even 100 pounds!
He's been very sick for a long time and deeply needs your encouragement and prayers.

This is 9 yr old Kenedy Maze a truly amazing little girl with cf...
Sadly her beautiful sister Kaylee lost her battle with cystic fibrosis in November 07, at the tender age of 11.
She is greatly missed...

Brandon Olson is 18 yrs old, and has Cystic Fibrosis as well....The "short version" of what he has all from or because of his CF:diabetes, arthritis, liver disease,pseudomonas, both strains of MRSA, valley fever,plus numerous times he's had both double and triple pneumonia's. He's spent in total over 150 weeks of his life in the hospital. As of 3/8/08 Brandon suffered his first seizure ever and he stopped breathing and a code team come had to come in to save him, and now has been diagnosed with epilepsy. He's had to be pulled out of school several times in his life and was trying to catch up with a self paced school in which he was over a year behind in. In the past 2 yrs, he's been so chronically ill, it's been increasingly difficult for him to even try, having been hospitalized aver 20 times just in that past 2 yrs...some times for over a month or more at a time. Brandon's Mom Dixie used to own the Hungry Fox Restaurant at Broadway and Swan.  A few years ago she was diagnosed with MS, but because of the situation with Brandon's health progressing getting worse, she hasn't been able to afford her medications. Her husband Chris, is an incredibly hard working man.He was honored to served in the Air force many years, and works a night shift at the air guard.He's had a several medical needs himself, plus they have a sweet 3 yr old son, and daughter in her 20's that's about to be getting married as well. They thankfully are healthy but it's still so much for one family to juggle alone, and the whole things is unreal what they have been through...making this a tremendous burden financially as well as emotionally for them to carry.Our prayers go out to them, and please spread the word and let's try to really get some of this burden lifted so they can concentrate on just being there with Brandon...We will be taking up a collection for them every place we have our raffle tickets being sold. Please leave a note of encouragement to them on his guest page. 

This is the first part of piece that was on the local Channel 4 New's in March '08, to help promote the CF Great Strides Walk to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Brandon was the feature.  

January 29 , 08
I wanted to introduce you to an incredible boy, Sam Racioppo. He is 10 yrs old, and we met him and his mom during one of Nathan's hospitalizations, in 2005.

This is an amazing family story, not about cf, but about a different and rare disease called Eosinophilic Esophagitis which is many times misdiagnosed. Sam's mom Michelle, is an inspiring person, who is devoted to her family deeply. She has met this disease head on, battling Insurance Companies & Congress to get the proper medical treatment for her child. Through her deep faith in Christ, she is determined to make sure Sam and other children like him get the proper care and support they desperately need to meet this challenge. She co-founded a Support Group for Eosinophilic Disorders which serves others with this disease & she is PASSIONATE about Creating Awareness, Spreading Education & furthering the Eosinophilic Cause so that others don't have to suffer ALONE in the ways that her son & her family did the first they faced the disease. Please keep her family and her efforts in your prayers, and take the time to check out her web site: